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Progress with KAT - XDM 2007 March

The eXperimental Development Model (XDM) is a 15-m diameter radio telescope antenna prototype for the Karoo Array Telescope (KAT). It is located at the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory (HartRAO). It is being used to test technology leading up to development of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA).

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2007 03 01 Flame spraying aliminum onto the primer on the mould. The aluminium will become the reflecting surface of the antenna.

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2007 03 02 Contruction of the pedestal for the telescope was taking place simultaneously. The 26-m telescope is in the background.

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2007 03 07 Preparing to apply resin to the mould.

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2007 03 19 The steel backing structure for the dish has been completed and the steel support structure for the antenna is on the pedestal. The mould is under the green canvas beneath the shade netting.

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2007 03 20 Applying resin the fibreglass honeycomb dish structure.

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2007 03 22 the resined dish, support structure and yoke on the pedestal.

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2007 03 26 preparation of the backing structure before attachment to the dish.

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2007 03 29 Lowering the backing structure onto the dish.

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2007 03 29 Glueing the backing structure to the dish.

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2007 03 30 Preparation for lifting the dish off the mould.

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2007 03 30 Lifting the dish off the mould.

Find out more about the SKA and KAT at www.ska.ac.za