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HartRAO 26m and the ICRF

The Hartebeesthoek 26m telescope has been a key station for geodetic VLBI, and particularly for establishing and maintaining the southern part of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF).

In the International VLBI Service (IVS) Newsletter Issue 22 of December 2008, Dirk Behrend, the IVS Coordinating Center Director, notes:
"The scarcest resource continues to be station observing time. So it was bad news during the planning discussions to hear that Hartebeesthoek, South Africa suffered a major failure of a polar shaft bearing and will likely be down for the entire observing year. We hope that a repair or replacement of the bearing will be possible on a faster time scale, but this seems unlikely at the time of writing. With HartRAO being one of the few southern hemisphere stations, several IVS observing series will have a weaker geometry and are strongly impacted. The biggest impact, in this context, will be on the ICRF sessions with emphasis on the southern hemisphere (CRF deep-south), where no adequate replacement station is available."