HartRAO/NRF copyright and use of materials

Materials including text and images appearing on the HartRAO website are copyrighted to the Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory, operated by the National Research Foundation of South Africa (HartRAO/NRF) unless an alternative origin for the material is indicated.

Use of materials from the HartRAO/NRF website constitutes acceptance of these guidelines.

Guidelines for use of HartRAO/NRF materials

Materials from the HartRAO/NRF website are intended for use for educational, academic, and research purposes and are not intended for commercial use. They may not be used in an inappropriate manner. Inappropriate use includes but is not limited to: religious materials, pornographic materials and racist materials.

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Use of the HartRAO/NRF names and logos in publicity, promotion, or advertising is prohibited without prior written consent of HartRAO/NRF.

HartRAO/NRF must be acknowledged as the source of the materials.

Copyright may not be falsely claimed for HartRAO/NRF materials.

HartRAO/NRF shall not be responsible in any way for matters arising from the use of HartRAO/NRF materials by other parties.

For more information contact:

Hartebeesthoek Radio Astronomy Observatory
P.O.Box 443, Krugersdorp 1740, South Africa
Phone: +27 (12) 301-3100 Fax: +27 (12) 301-3300

HartRAO Copyright Page last updated 2001/01/12